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Comp Time and Credit Hours

Comp Time Compensatory time off (also known as “comp time”) is covered by Federal Law, CFTC Compensation Policy, Section IX Compensation on premium pay, and the CFTC Comp Time Policy.


In accordance with law and policy, if a supervisor orders or requires work performed, and doing the extra work during the regular workday is not optional, then the employee must be compensated appropriately for the time worked beyond the regular workday. Comp time must be requested by the employee and approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor in WebTA (via the Leave and Premium Pay tab). When circumstances make it impractical for an employee to obtain advance approval, the employee may request approval as soon as practicable after the fact but no later than the end of the pay period in which it was earned. The employee must submit requests for Comp Time through WebTA to their supervisor to document the compensatory time earned during the pay period. An estimated of hours needed and a reason for the Comp Time Request must be included. Hours can be amended later if necessary and with the employee’s supervisor’s approval. Contact WebTA Helpdesk in HR for questions and assistance. Premium pay differences for non-exempt employees (covered by) or exempt employees (not covered by) from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

FLSA-Exempt employees may only receive comp time for extra work required to be performed (with limited exceptions involving holidays).

FLSA-Exempt Employees

(typically CT-9 and above)

FLSA-Non-Exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay for overtime hours worked but can request comp time instead.

FLSA-Non-Exempt Employees

(typically CT-8 and below)

CFTC limits the amount of comp time or overtime that may be earned each pay period to 16 hours (unless an exception is granted). The 16 hour maximum does not apply to comp time for official travel.


Credit hours, covered by CFTC Instruction 463-1, Revision 3, Flexitime Program, allow an employee, with prior supervisory approval, to work a certain number of extra hours on one workday to be applied to his or her basic work requirement on another workday.

Signing Check

Credit Hours

  • Both types of employees (exempt and non-exempt) may request to earn credit hours for extra work performed that is:


  • Additional hours worked under an approved flexible schedule which allows for credit hours (e.g., flexitour);

  • Approved by the supervisor in webTA with a premium pay request form;

  • Not time spent traveling.


  • Note: Employees on the 5-4/9 compressed schedule are not eligible for credit hours and the option for Credit Hours will not appear in WebTA for employees on a compressed work schedule.

Flex-Time and Telework

EXPANDED Telework/Flex Schedules/Late Arrivals during Metro’s SafeTrack Repairs


• Up to 2 days of recurring telework/week or per pay period (depending on work schedule) for eligible employees.

• An additional day of episodic telework each week/pay period for non-SafeTrack reasons.

• Gliding (new!) and other flexible schedules. Eligible employees can vary their start and end times daily and earn credit hours.

• Expanded arrival and departure bands: Arrival time band is expanded to 6:00 am - 10:00 am; departure time band is expanded to 2:30 pm -7:30 pm.

• Up to one hour of excused absence, on occasion, to account for occasional tardiness due to delays caused by Safe Track.

• Waiver of limitation on frequency of schedule changes (currently only allowed at the end of each quarter) to allow employees to change the type of schedule by pay period.

Regular Flexitime Options

The CFTC Flexitime program is covered by the CFTC Flexitime Program Directive 463-1 and federal law. It provides the ability for employees to elect one of three alternate work schedule options other than a standard work schedule of a 10-day/80-hour pay period (8-hour days). Employees must receive prior supervisory approval before beginning an alternate work schedule. The three options include:

Flexitour: A Flexitime Option under which employees may choose fixed daily arrival and departure times within the Flexible Time Bands in which to complete their basic work requirement of 8 hours per day, not including the 1/2-hour daily lunch period, Monday through Friday. Credit hours are available to employees who elect the Flexitour Option.


Credit Hours: Credit hours allow an employee, with his or her supervisor’s prior approval, to work a certain number of extra hours on one workday to be applied to his or her basic work requirement of 8 hours per day, not including the 1/2-hour daily lunch period, on another workday. Credit hours are capped at 16-hours per pay period.


5-4/9 Option: The 5-4/9 Option is a compressed work schedule in which an employee fulfills his or her basic work requirement of 80 hours per biweekly pay period, not including the 1/2-hour daily lunch period, in nine workdays, consisting of eight 9-1/2 hour days and one 8-1/2 hour day. Credit hours are not available to employees who elect the 5-4/9 Option.

For more details please refer to the Flexitime Program Directive 463-1 which can be found on the CFTCnet under the Career/Pay and Benefits/Leave section.

The CFTC Telework Program is covered by the CFTC Telework Policy and federal law. It provides the ability for employees to telework from home on an episodic or recurring basis. Employees must receive prior supervisor approval before beginning telework. An employee must fill out and return the following forms:


  1. CFTC Form 707, Telework Request Form

  2. CFTC Form 707a, Telework Agreement

  3. CFTC Form 707b, Telework Safety Certification Checklist


Employees may telework twice per pay period (once per week) if they work a normal 8-hour day. If an employee works a 5/4/9 compressed work schedule, they may only telework once per pay period, in the week that does not include their “flex-day”.

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